Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Topley to Prince George: Different directions

We’d planned to make it to Williams Lake today.  But, over breakfast at an A&W restaurant in Burns Lake, Steve struck up a conversation with two Canadians at the next table.  

“Where ya heading?”, they asked.

Well, one thing led to another and they told Steve that Jasper was only 6 hours away.  And that he just COULDN’T miss Jasper.  We hemmed and hawed but the end result was, Steve was going to see Jasper and Banff.  

We decided to continue together on Highway 16 where I would turn south on the 97 and he would continue east.  We rode another hour or so then stopped for gas.  

We’d gone about 9k miles together over the past month.  It had been a good ride.  I knew we’d eventually have to go our own ways but the inevitable just happened so quickly.  We said good-bye and rode off in different directions. 

Adiós, amigo.  Safe travels.  

I made Williams Lake by 3pm and stayed with fellow motorcyclists in the Bunk-a-Biker program. Steve passed through McBride and found a campsite in Fraser-Fort George.  

I know he’ll see lots of beautiful scenery—and plenty of bears—on his was back to Buffalo.  

I’m planning my next few days.  I may or may not make the border tomorrow.  We’ll see.  



  1. Safe travels to Steve on his way back home! It was so fun seeing you two together.

  2. Wow!! Hard to believe it was time to part. Safe travels to you both, and I will continue to follow this thread!!

  3. Wow! What a ride together, memories forever.
